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Links und Toolbox

Neben den verschiedenen Links auf den jeweiligen Hauptseiten finden Sie im Folgenden eine umfassende, kategorisierte und querverweisende Linkliste, die Sie zu genealogischen Forschungsseiten über Glarus führt. Leider sind viele dieser Seiten nur auf Deutsch verfügbar, aber trotzdem einen Besuch wert:

Friedhöfe und Nachrufsammlungen
Beal Funeral Homes, Inc. with the Becker-Beal Funeral Home of Belleville and the Zentner-Beal Funeral Home of New Glarus provides obituaries of people living in New Glarus and neighborhood.
See the graves of thousands of famous or less famous people from around the world.
The weekly Glarner gazette.This gazette contains information about births in Glarus. Free E-paper download.
In the official gazette of Glarus amongst many other administrative transactions, births and deaths of people living in the Canton of Glarus will be published on a weekly basis. Username: Amtsblatt / Password: amtgl
A collection of portrait images taken from obituaries, in memoriam cards or death records.
Obituaries found in Swiss newspapers about events of death in Glarus.
Computersoftware für die Genealogie
Review of selected software programms for Swiss genealgoy and heraldry.
A powerful printing software for all kind of printouts of your genealogical research results..
Review and comparison of the top ten genealogy software programs.
Allgemeine Forschungsressourcen
A hit list provided by Family Tree Magazine.
Free templates & pedigree charts page.

Die Descendants of Swiss Settlers (Nachfahren der Schweizer Siedler) ehren und feiern das einzigartige Erbe und die Errungenschaften der Schweizer Männer und Frauen, die sich vor dem 5. März 1798, dem Ende der Alten Eidgenossenschaft, in Nordamerika niederließen. Ihre Aufgabe ist es, die Geschichte, die Genealogie, die Bräuche und die Kultur der frühen Schweizer Siedler zu bewahren und zu fördern, die großzügig ihre Zeit, ihr Talent und ihre Schätze zur Besiedlung des nordamerikanischen Kontinents beigetragen haben. 

Family History Books is a collection of more than 200,000 digitized genealogy and family history publications from the archives of some of the most important family history libraries in the world. The collection includes family histories, county and local histories, genealogy magazines and how-to books, gazetteers, and medieval histories and pedigrees.
General website about family reserach in Switzerland, featuring also Glarus. Unfortunately, many of the topics are not filled with contents.
The information on this official webpage is intended solely to help you get started and guide you in your research. 
This site indexes thousands of different GEDCOM files found on other web sites. GEDCOM files are special genealogy files that can be imported into any genealogy software.
  • GenWiki (German/EnglishFrancais/Nederlands/Dansk)
GenWiki is a comprehensive project of the Association for computer genealogy.
Digital access to the Glarus section of the Geographical Lexicon of Switzerland (1902-1910).
Resource website about Glarus and its emigrants with useful links book, history and travel recommendations.
Resource website of the Green County Genealogical Society Research Center with useful information about Green County, Cemetery, Obits, links book and many other resources.
  • Guide to Researching the History of a House (English)
If you live in a house that’s more than a few decades old, you might wonder about its history. What were the circumstances surrounding its construction? Who lived there before you moved in? You might even wonder about the evolution of the home’s structure as it has undergone home improvement, or you might have a morbid curiosity about whether or not your home has a sordid past. With the help of online resources and public records, much can be learned about the history of any property.

Ähnliche Website wie die oben genannte.

Ähnliche Website wie die oben genannte.

Die Website bietet Namensursprünge, Statistiken und Beliebtheitsranglisten für Personennamen. Sie können die beliebtesten Namen suchen und vergleichen, Trendnamen finden und verschiedene Namenslisten nach Herkunft, Region, Jahrzehnt und mehr durchsehen.
Hints how to trace Swiss ancestors, annoteted links and recommended books. Part of Swiss Genealogy on the Internet.
The Swiss Center of North America values heritage, culture and our relationships with Switzerland. The website contains also a special section about genealogy with a many interesting links and specific genealogical information.
General website about family reserach in Switzerland, featuring also Glarus.
The Swiss society for family research SGFF/SSEG (founded in 1933) connects researchers who conduct research in Switzerland and about Swiss families.
Genealogical website for families from the March region (neighbor region of Glarus). with interesting links to other genealogy websites.
Ein Video über die Familiengeschichte ist eine großartige Möglichkeit, die faszinierenden Geschichten und Lebenserfahrungen, die durch die Ahnenforschung aufgedeckt wurden, mit anderen zu teilen. Wenn Sie diese Informationen in Form eines gefilmten Interviews präsentieren, kann das Publikum Ihre Leidenschaft für das Thema nachempfinden, als würden Sie Geschichten am Lagerfeuer hören. Um ein ansprechendes Video über die Familiengeschichte zu erstellen, sollten Sie sich daran erinnern, dass Geschichten die wichtigste Art sind, wie wir mit der Welt kommunizieren. Anstatt nur Namen und Daten aufzulisten, sollten Sie Geschichten erzählen, die Ihr Publikum fesseln.
People and public records search in the USA.
Genealogical website for families from the Central Switzerland region (neighbor region of Glarus). with interesting links to other genealogy websites.
Glarner Stammbäume und individuelle genealogische Websites
Well done family website of the Bachmann family which also shows links to Glarner families
Interesting website about Stefan Bosshard´s family with a lot of information about Glarus and its families.
My own online Glarus family tree on Tribalpages.
Interesting website aoubt the Jehli family from Graubünden with bycatches from Glarus. Peter Jehli-Kamm issues a genealogical newsletter (Altvordern-Bott).
The Kläsi ancestors of Rebecca Lynn Sprague.
Karl Leuener betreibt eine gut aufgemachte Website mit Familiendaten der politischen Rheintalgemeinde Sennwald (inkl. Salez, Haag, Frümsen und Sax), sowie der Gemeinden des Fürstentum Liechtenstein.
Family website about the Schättin family from the March region (neighbor region of Glarus)
The Stäger ancestors of Beat Stäger.
Family website about the Stüssi family based on an extract from the genealogical books ath the Landesarchiv Glarus.
This excellent website contains genealogical research results about the family name Thut.
Family website about the Wichser family based on an extract from the genealogical books ath the Landesarchiv Glarus.
A blog about the family Wichser of Schwanden.
Family website of BJ Peters with family links to the earlyTschudi emigrants to the USA
Handschrift und Schrift
Excellent online tutorial on the German script and handwriting including an alphabet and scanned examples of documents.
Geschichte und Kultur
The fire of Glarus 1861 has destroyed a large part of the historic town. A completely different city with modern charm emerged through the efforts of reconstruction. Based on a model designed by Hans Leuziger, but also through the study of old plans and images, a virtual model of old Glarus is shown on this website. The model links including information about the fire and interesting stoies to individual buildings.

The Glarus genealogical heraldic web catalogue with a collection of Glarus family coat of arms based on the Wappenbuch der Bürgergeschlechter des Kantons Glarus 1902 collected by Samuel Wild.

The old Swiss genealogical heraldic web catalogue with many useful links on all subjects of the genealogy and the coat of arms customer in Switzerland. Big collection of Swiss family coat of arms and newsletter.

Interactive Website of the Glarner Heimatbuch with learning matters about Glarus, recommended walking-tours etc.

Ziel dieser Website ist es, alles zu entdecken, zu beschaffen, zu bewahren und aufzuzeigen, was mit der zivilen, sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Geschichte des Bezirks Gilpin, Colorado, USA, in Verbindung steht.

Website of the project Glarus Industrial Trail. The Glarus industrial trail passes old weaving mills, workers houses and villas of the manufacturer. It is ideal for history buffs and cosy cyclists with a flair for landscapes.

Website about history and culture of Schwanden, with geature stories about the Glarner settlements in America.

Historical Society of Glarus
Webseite welche die Geschichte der Freiheitsstatue in New York und die Geschichte von Ellis Island erklärt
The Almanac of the Historical Society of Glarus is now online available on the e-periodica website. A source of historical treasures for everybody who is interested in the history of Glarus.

A collection of the Cantonal and Communal coat of arms (before and after the resttructuring of the community structure in 2011.

Official website of Canton Glarus with topics featuring history, politic, communities, tourism, demographic and other data etc.
Historical Society of Engi
Eine sehr interessante und gut dokumentierte Webseite der Stiftung Pro Netstal mit vielen Informationen zu Netstal.
To genealogists and historians the Register of Swiss Surnames has become an essential standard reference. Representing the status quo of the year 1962, it offers a comprehensive alphabetical listing of all the families holding citizenship in a Swiss community. Each entry contains information on the place of origin (i.e. community of citizenship), time of naturalisation as well as previous place or country of origin.
Website of the foundation Pro Vorburg Oberurnen which takes care of the preservation of the remains of the Vorburg Castle in Oberurnen.
Wenn wir etwas über die traditionelle Kleidung eines Landes wie Trachten, Dirndl und Lederhosen lernen, können wir mehr über die Kultur dieses Landes erfahren.

The new Swiss genealogical heraldic web catalogue. Big collection of Swiss family coat of arms.

Bibliotheken, Archive und Museen
Eine Übersicht über die verschiedenen Museen in Glarus finden Sie auf der Website des Historischer Verein des Kantons Glarus. Sie sind auch mit einer kurzen Beschreibung unten aufgeführt:
A journey through time to modern forging technology. Look at the industrialization, from the hammer mill here to the technology of today. You will experience blazing fire and glowing. The offer in the 1777 built hammer mill a unique atmosphere.
The modern and completely redesigned museum is dedicated to the tragic fate of the 1782 executed maid Anna Göldi and traces the stages of her life. At the center of the exhibition is the incomparably well-documented process, namely the extensive torture records. Around it, the visitors are led from one theme island to another: obsessive belief in witches, network of power, enlightenment, journalism, culture of remembrance, rehabilitation.
The village museum "Pulverturm" (Powder Tower) shows various documents about the local history of Schwanden and the emigration history of New Glarus.The museum also shows church and fire antiquities, eeapons, uniforms and ming industry objects.
Local museum of the village of Sool which is located in the old school in Sool.
Art museum of Glarus. Temporary exhibitions of Swiss and international contemporary art, mainly a younger generation of artists. In parallel, regular parts of the collection are presented.
The Glarner industrial path leads over a total of 50 kilometers from Linthal to Ziegelbrücke and from Elm to Schwanden. The path is suitable for cyclists and hikers alike. On the way there is much to see, the industrial history of the Glarnerland comes alive. A three-part route map lists all industrial objects and briefly presents them in image and text. At around 50 particularly important and typical plants, object panels are set up. They describe historical, structural, technical or social aspects in text and image.
The Glarner Wirtschaftsarchiv collects, documents and archives documents about the industrial and economic history of Glarus.
The Landesarchiv Glarus documents the decisions and actions of the Cantonal authorities since 1837 and keeps also documents from the period before. The Landesarchiv archives also important documents of citizens, such as birth certificates, court judgments or historical real estate documents.
Cantonal library (study and education library) of the Canton of Glarus with a focus on literature about Glarus. Link to the online catalog.
The museum of Glarus was opend in 1946 in the historical Freulerpalast in Näfels and is dedicated to different areas of the history of the Canton Glarus.
The visit under expert guidance in the mountain country plates Engi. The old slate mine in the Sernftal offers a unique special experience. The slate mining was a main source of income for the inhabitants of the valley for several hundred years.
The Landvogthaus was built in the 16th century in Nidfurn and shows the living culture of Swiss patrician families from four centuries in many rooms.
The Library of Congress is the nation’s first established cultural institution and the largest library in the world, with millions of items including books, recordings, photographs, maps and manuscripts in its collections.
Local museum in Diesbach is located in the Thomas Legler house. It deals with the general topic "The country and its people in the 18th and 19th century". Various changing exhibitions.
The Association Sernftalbahn has set itself the goal to preserve the remaining heritage of the narrow-gauge railway Schwanden-Elm closed in the year 1969.
This collection focuses primarily on the first 100 years of New Glarus’s history. It includes narratives about the settlement and early history of the village, family records from the first church in New Glarus, tax rolls of the Town of New Glarus, old maps and plat books of Green County, the first yearbook of the New Glarus High School, and photographs of individuals and families, school groups, community organizations, events, street scenes, businesses, and agriculture. The New Glarus Public Library, the New Glarus Historical Society, and the Swiss United Church of Christ of New Glarus have collaborated to make available to the public these selected materials documenting the history of New Glarus and the surrounding area.
The public library website of New Glarus with a section dedicated to genealogy.
Local museum in Mollis is located in the house of Caspar Schindler. On display are various tools and equipments from the past.
The local museum Schänis gives an interesting historical background about the municipality Schänis and its residents.
The local museum is devoted to the history of the village of Weesen.

In the historical Rysläuferhuus (hous of mercenary soldiers) "gukum" (society for history and culture to Schwanden) organizes temporary exhibitions.

The Suvorov Museum (founded in 1986), has the most comprehensive collection on the subject of Suvorov in Switzerland: pictures, books, archaeological finds, documents, etc.
The Swiss Historical Village & Museum presents the unique story of the founding of New Glarus in 1845 and traces the Swiss colony's growth into a dairy farming community that continues to keep alive its ethnic heritage.
Anbieter von Familiengeschichte, historischen Aufzeichnungen und Online-Familienstammbäumen
Ellis Island ist eine ausgezeichnete Quelle für die Ahnenforschung, da bei der Einfahrt in den Hafen umfangreiche Kontrollen durchgeführt wurden. Die Einwanderungsunterlagen von Ellis Island sind in digitaler Form online verfügbar. Diese Website bietet verschiedene Links zu solchen Quellen.
Anbieter von genealogischen Forschungsdienstleistungen in der Schweiz
Bernadette Oertig provides research services worldwide but with an emphasis on the Linth area.
DNA Tests und Ahnenforschung
Unabhängige Website, die Anleitungen und Rezensionen zu DNA-Tests bietet und die verschiedenen Methoden erklärt
Friedhöfe und Nachrufsammlungen
Computersoftware für die Genealogie
Allgemeine Forschungsressourcen
Glarner Stammbäume und individuelle genealogische Websites
Handschrift und Schrift
Geschichte und Kultur
Bibliotheken, Archive und Museen
Anbieter von Familiengeschichte, historischen Aufzeichnungen und Online-Familienstammbäumen
Anbieter von genealogischen Forschungsdienstleistungen in der Schweiz
DNA Tests und Ahnenforschung

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